Ultimate Guide: Shadowsocks on Ubuntu for Secure Browsing

Shadowsocks stands out as a versatile and secure proxy protocol, offering an effective method for bypassing internet censorship. This guide delves into the step-by-step process of setting up Shadowsocks on Ubuntu, ensuring a smooth and secure online experience. Designed with both beginners and advanced users in mind, this article will navigate through installation, configuration, and optimization of Shadowsocks, making it your best vpn choice for Ubuntu systems.

Installation: Setting Up Shadowsocks on Ubuntu


Before diving into the installation process, ensure that your system is updated. You’ll need Python and pip, Python’s package manager, for installing Shadowsocks. Open your terminal and run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip

Installing Shadowsocks

With pip ready, install Shadowsocks by executing:

sudo pip3 install https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks/archive/master.zip

This command fetches the latest version of Shadowsocks directly from its GitHub repository, ensuring that you have the most recent features and security patches.

Configuration: Tuning Shadowsocks for Optimal Performance

After installation, configuring Shadowsocks to meet your specific needs is essential. This involves creating a configuration file with your server details and preferred settings.

Creating the Configuration File

Use a text editor to create your Shadowsocks configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/shadowsocks.json

Embed the following details into your file, adjusting parameters as necessary:

    "local_address": "",

Ensure to replace your_server_ip and your_password with your actual server IP and password. The encryption method, aes-256-cfb, can be replaced with any supported algorithm to enhance security.

Configuration Parameters Table

serverThe IP address of your Shadowsocks server.
server_portThe port number your server listens on.
local_addressThe local address Shadowsocks binds to. Usually
local_portThe local port Shadowsocks listens on.
passwordYour chosen password for the Shadowsocks connection.
timeoutConnection timeout in seconds.
methodThe encryption method for data transfer.

Starting Shadowsocks Client

To initiate the Shadowsocks client and connect to your server, utilize the following command:

sslocal -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d start

This runs Shadowsocks in daemon mode, keeping it running in the background and using your specified configuration file.

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Optional Steps: Enhancing Your Shadowsocks Experience

While Shadowsocks is now up and running, there are additional steps you can take to tailor the experience further.

System Proxy Configuration

For applications that do not natively support SOCKS proxies, configuring your system’s proxy settings can route your traffic through Shadowsocks. This can be accomplished by setting environment variables:

export http_proxy="socks5://"
export https_proxy="socks5://"

Using Polipo to Convert SOCKS to HTTP Proxy

Some applications only support HTTP proxies. In such cases, Polipo, a lightweight caching web proxy, can be installed to convert SOCKS proxy to HTTP:

sudo apt install polipo

Configure Polipo by editing its configuration file and restarting the service:

sudo nano /etc/polipo/config


socksParentProxy = "localhost:1080"
socksProxyType = socks5

Restart Polipo:

sudo service polipo restart

Your HTTP proxy is now available at http://localhost:8123.


Setting up Shadowsocks on Ubuntu provides a robust solution for secure and unrestricted internet access. By following the steps outlined in this guide, users can easily install, configure, and optimize Shadowsocks, making it the best VPN alternative for overcoming internet censorship. Whether for personal use or enhancing corporate security, Shadowsocks offers a dependable and flexible option for secure browsing.


Written by: Carl J. Jones

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